This is a one man's effort to grow his character and be a good witness with whatewer he is doing as he does it for the glory of his master and friend Jesus!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Firefighters Turned Away From Exclusive Nightclub Blaze

DETROIT—After responding to a fire at elite nightclub Tech-Noir, all 20 members of Ladder Company 24 were denied entrance and forced to stand behind the velvet rope guarding the A-list inferno as it raged on well into early Sunday morning. "There was no way I could let them in dressed like that," said bouncer Ken Hess, who asked emergency personnel to step aside while he allowed a group of good-looking, scantily clad women directly into the blaze. "If they had brought some ladies with them, then maybe. But we have to maintain some standards here." While the firefighters were reportedly saddened by the sight of 63 people burning to death, on the way back to the firehouse they agreed the club was probably just full of stuck-up bi***es anyway.

I find this story a remarcable answer and illustration to what is happening when the wold does not wan believers around...
I guess you can take this also as an encouragement not to bother getting too sad when your life seems to miss out on the "fun of the world".

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to envision the unimaginable?

Worry – it is a natural operation mode of a misguided mind trying to envision alls the things in the world that may go wrong …I wonder what could be the antidote to it, what is a quire?It seams to me that not worrying is a foolish and oversimplified suggestion.
So what may and should work when the nature takes its course with my mind? Bible describing the answer as faith. I need to exercise faith… So what is faith? Heb. 11 says: 1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
Can this mean that those “ancients” could really do what we are failing to do – exercise their ability to envision all the different multitudes of ways everything can go RIGHT because there is someone who cares. He cares more than you do and more than you can imagine.
Can I imitate them? Can I have faith in Him? What will it take to learn to imagine a different world. I think I need discipline of thought and gratitude as my disciplined answer to the circumstances. Any circumstances.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

что-то испортилось...

Крутой новый офис с кондиционерами, крутая компания, персональное рабочее место и персональный компьютер. Еду на работу на машине, и даже не парюсь о бензине – мечта 22 летнего идиота… Что-то во мне серьёзно не так, что-то испортилось. Меня не впечатляют вчерашние мечты.
Предал ли я собственные идиалы или посто вырос из них? Изменились мои обстоятельства или же я забыл о своих юношеских, идеалистических и чистых ценностях. Много слышу и говорю о том, о чём ранее только учился и узнавал из книг, а поступаю ли я сообразно выученному?
Может это я просто устал и мне нужно вжится в новую роль, потому что я ведь всегда мечтал, всегда хотел быть частью чего-то великого, какого-то крупного проекта. А может это не то величие, не те размахи, которых хочет душа? Может всё дело в предназначении, личном вкладе, характере и связи всего происходящего с моим вечным предназначением?
Пока не знаю… не понимаю до конца своей ситуаци и терзаюсь вопросами и сомнениями. Знаю только лишь одно – наличие работы не освобождает меня от ответственности прожить жизнь не в пустую, постоянно задаваясь вопросом о том,как я живу, что делаю, нахожусь ли я в центре Божьей воли и эпицентре построения Его царства.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Working anew

This is my second week of work for Eurostandard company...
This is a new step for me and I hope it is going to work out well.
Still feeling kind of silly as I was hoping to have much higher level of involvement. This new week however is promising to me much more packed.
Plus this week we are moving in to live to Bortnichi for a while. Bogdan and Anya are gone for the Black Sea together with their children until July 31 and we will be staying at their place. This will be quite an experience since I've just finished repairing our apartment and was finally able to go back to a normal mode of living and existing/working on daily tasks. So another stress is on the way...
Last time we stayed in that house it was freezing cold... hope this will work to our benefit this summer time.
I would say that overall this month is a rather stressful one…
A runaway cat, birthday of a friend, apartment remodeling, admission to VESOR master educational program, applying for a new job, applying for GCM conference in September, Lena going through MRI of her back – these are some of the events of this month…