This is a one man's effort to grow his character and be a good witness with whatewer he is doing as he does it for the glory of his master and friend Jesus!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Crisis and Creativity

It is interesting to note how the crises people are going through at any time of their life first and foremost hit people on creativity level… Discouragement, apathy, fear, distrust and loss of hope are the hallmarks of any crisis you may name. Have you ever wonder why it is happening like that. Why are we not experience some other feelings more readily… like hope, different ways and dreams of how this all may end up for our good, selfless abandonment and readiness for action, indignation and desire to bring order in to chaos and restore things that are falling or even to create something new out of the fallen bits and pieces…

As people dearly loved by God we should know (at least in theory) that everything is working for good for those who love Him. So… how do we work it out?
Well, first of all we should mention that it is not like our negative emotions are too bad and we should not talk about them. Our emotions are good indicators of where we are before God. So let’s use them to know our position and to change it with God’s help.

I believe those emotions we struggle with in times of crisis are not an accident. They are central to what defines hope and creativity – the character qualities of our God. And I believe we struggle with feelings opposite to hope exactly because Satan would like us to turn away from the ways that are capable to lead us to resolution of any crisis – away from reflecting and practicing God’s likeness.

So for the sake of our conversation I’ve called the whole mix of those (right) emotions and attitudes as one term – Creativity.

Case 1. Ultimate creativity. More with le$$ approach or 1,2~1,5 for 1
Any one can do more if he has more. But do not rush to say that more with less is not possible. Because this is exactly the case that requires all creativity you have or can get from God. It does not necessary make any particular mathematical sense, but it does make sense if you rely on God to add whatever is needed.
This approach is good for those areas that you want to grow in and develop. You can not cut there, so ask yourself is there a way to ask for more for the same money. Ask your vendor or service provider. Sometimes they are reluctant to go down on price but more willing to give you more when you are still paying your fair price.
Ask yourself what can I get out of this day, meeting, trip? May be better organization and planning is all you need to do that.

Good questions to ask yourself at this point:
- What are the things I can do better in my life that require a change of attitude and not necessary a change of financing all that much to obtain a better result?
- What can I do different with what I have to get better results?
- In what areas of my life I'm still being lazy or disorganized?

Case 2. Prudent Creativity - Same with Le$$, or 1 for 0.75
This approach is good for those cases when you need whatever the thing is and you can not cut it. In this case try to ask yourself a question how can I get it in a different, more efficient way? Will a used item work instead of the new one. Will renting make sense if I absolutely need it on occasional basis? Who else on the market is offering the same? Internet stores? Do they sell for the same price and deliver for free? – Then you are getting the same and saving yourself time and transportation.
Have you tried to ask for a discount – sometimes it works even when they usually do not give any discounts. A friend of mine told me once: “Guess what discount is getting the one who never asks for it? 0!”

Good questions to ask yourself at this point:
- What can be cut (in your expenses or time) without anyone even noticing it?
- What is from what you already doing does not influence the end result all that much?
- What procedures, meetings, purchases can be skipped?
- Can I borrow what I need from a friend if I need it occasionally or rarely?

Case 3. Smart Prudence + Strategic contentment. Less with much Less, or 0.85 for 0.5
Honestly, this one is a tricky one. If you choose this approach it will feel like cutting where it hurts. But do not rush to follow your emotions. Ask yourself Is it really all that bad or you know what you are doing and you willingly with discipline are following through without creating another chance for your depression to develop from self pity. The last thing you want to do is later to react to this what used to be a plan of yours by acting unwisely and going back to even more unnecessary spending.

Good questions to ask yourself at this point:
- What are my priorities? What should I definitely keep?
- What can be strategically laid aside for better times without hurting your dreams, giving you a chance to focus on what is crucial today?
- Where can I tolerate to go down on price/quality or quantity if this will allow me to save tremendously?
- What can I change in my daily lifestyle? What conveniences I can enjoy occasionally instead of regularly?
- What things are not all that urgent to buy or do?

Warning! Never cut on God.
After thinking through all these ideas we should also mention that tricky Enemy of the mankind is ever lurking to quickly pull us in to a different extreme, where we start cutting left and right… hoping that accidentally we will cut our heads off and tear our hear out – leaving us with no reason for existence at all!
All I want to say is that there are those things in life we should never cut and try to save on – things that define us, things that are from God, and God himself is the One protecting those things in our lives.
These things are all different for every one of us, but all of them are united under one overarching principle – they bring hope that is rooted in God – they are the source of our unselfish joy and encouragement – things we call our convictions.
Other words try to spend even more where it really matters!
- Give extra time to your time with God – be creative in how you spend it. May be save on public transportation once in a while and make it a prayer walk.
- Give time to improve you overall physical conditions, and health – eat what is good and healthy skip on the fast food and restaurant once in a while. Bring food from home instead of buying something quick at the local store that, most likely, sell it for higher price.
- Stay in touch with the loved ones and those who matter the most for you – this will keep you encouraged and give you overall positive attitude to life. I guess this one is tricky too – sour attitude of your close ones can be discouraging. Well, then call them for the purpose of encouragement. Find a positive things to share before you call. Keep and develop a thankful attitude in life.

I’ve heard a phrase today – if what does not kill us makes us stronger then, probably Ukrainians are the immortal ones of this world! Funny – but this is exactly the calling of a believer in Christ – eternal life.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, i like this post so very much!!!
And the fact that you posted it on a Thursday makes it a real inspire-me-Thursday experience.
Of course, the punch line was hillarious! and sad at the same time...
Thank you for sharing these thoughts.
On the renting note: since i don't plan to set up a Christmas tree this year, would you like to borrow my Christmas decorations?...

8:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is one proof of getting more for le$$:
It pays to ask:
i asked a friend about postal stamps to America. And she had them. AND she gave them to mee FOR FREE because these were "useless left over from a looong time ago". But the stamps are still good for mailing :-)

9:28 AM


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