This is a one man's effort to grow his character and be a good witness with whatewer he is doing as he does it for the glory of his master and friend Jesus!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Radooga Camp

А вот и фотки, которые я обещал. Были в Радуге на их последней смене. Побывали на вечерней и ночной программе и покормили девчёнок. Лена испекла обалденный пирог, но на фотках его к сожалению нет. Вечерняя программа мне понравилась, отрывались как могли (особенно Ирка). А ещё нас научили танцевать интересный танец: "ниточка из кармана". Как нибуть покажу.

Лена - Бакалавр

Ура, в прошлую пятницу Лена защитила свой бакалаврский диплом и теперь в нашей семье прибыло дипломированных специалистов. Я за неё жудко рад! На фотке она красуется в костюме, который специально пошила для дипломной работы. Темой её диплома было творчество К.С.Льюиса, а в частности "Космическая Трилогия". На основании образов из прочитанных книг она должна была составить гардероб для 1-го человека на все случаи жизни. Я думаю у неё получилось и причём очень даже неплохо!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the mirror a friend and the wardrobe

Today was quite unusual and wild…
Yesterday I found that not all the documents for my vehicle are done and it took me a whole day to do the paper work. They actually refused to OK the technical condition of the van because of the “front lights defocus”! Quite a reason, huh… So today I was on my way looking for a place where I can fix this great problem of mine and as Lena and I were walking by the neighboring building to pick the car from the parking lot we saw that someone had trashed a huge old fashion wardrobe… It is not like I need one, but I remembered that Steve Nelson a friend of mine was looking for something like that…
Thus our adventure began. I called Steve and went to pick him up to come back and pick up the wardrobe. It turned out that the wardrobe (rus. - the shkaff) was a little bit heavy for two of us and a little bit big for my van. So we had to disassemble it. And only then try to fit in. Which we successfully did… The wardrobe had a mirror door that was broken of course… this basically was the reason why they disposed of it in the first place. So after unloading the shkaff we decided to take it apart completely and to go and change the mirror. Which we successfully did. But the old mirror also was not absolutely useless – after cutting of a broken side it made a great surprise present for Lena. Actually this present was a long-time-ago-made and only now kept promise of mine… This is how God was providing for both Steve and I today… And the van with the lights and everything… I guess this is going to come later… for today was a day when God corrected all the plans.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A road bummer

traffic situation: the cars after the hit (blue van was trying to make a left turn)
(the hit aftermath)

(hello from our small group)

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask all of you to pray these days for my sister Maryna who got herself in to a car accident. Thank God no one had suffered exept for the car... Please pray for God's peace and protection as the whole thing is going to hit the court because of the personal stubborness of the other driver.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Вчера вернулся из поездки в Ивано-Франковск. Вообще-то мы ездили в Ясеня - посёлок за Яремчей. И вот это мы увидели по дороге. Во второй половине дня у них пошел дождь и с гор сошел поток, которорый затопил несколько десятков домов в разных сёлах, в нескольких местах заливало дорогу, а кое-где и вовсе смыло... на мосту в Яремче обвалились перила... Сегодня обещали продолжение дождей... надеюсь наши ребята из "Города на Холме" выдержат эту экстримальную неделю отдыха в Карпатах.