This is a one man's effort to grow his character and be a good witness with whatewer he is doing as he does it for the glory of his master and friend Jesus!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Live Fast!

Drive fast enough and this car may serve you all your life...
This hazy blur is a part of my every day life that hides me from the reality of God's existence. So many times it makes it so difficult to see Him. How do I fight it? If ever...
Do I know who my enemies are... do I know their allies?
Have I learned to distinguish their nasty faces in the crowd or do I still tend to beat other people faces instead?

My enemies:
- evil
- poverty
- lack of fruit/result
- slavery
- guilt
- disobedience/sin
- foolishness
- pride
- flesh
- devil
- world
Their allies:
- laziness
- indifference
- lie
- discouragement
- compromise
- bad choices
- lack of discipline
- fear
- depression
- lack of motivation/ desire

My Allies:
- faith and hope
- truth
- love
- discipline
- accountability/friendship
- God’s encouragement, His word,
- cup of good coffee/tea
- fear of God/reverence
- future/perspective of eternity/Kingdom

What do you see and how do you fight it? Add your comments!



Blogger mahphee said...

Вчера ты меня заставил задуматься, что означает, ценить каждый день и быть за него благодарным. Я вижу, что не ценю. Вижу, что не могу себя заставить ценить. А если не ценю, это означает, что я не ценю Того, Кто дает мне этот день. А значит, я не ценю ни одно мгновенье вечности тоже?

2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my greatest enemies is Business. It gets the best of me often, meny times. Sometimes it iseems impossible for me to stop and rest. To have time to think of OTHERS, not only my own problems of my little world. i think the ally of business is short-sightedness, that is inability to see beyond the immediate circumstances. Inability to see the whole picture, to envision the future and future results.
What helps with things like that: someone's story about his life and struggles. It helps to take a closer look at anybody i usually don't pay attention to.

2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more little commen ton POWERTY:
I thik Having No Possessions and Powerty are two distunctly different things. In this world we equate them or substitute one for the other.
But here is an axample to show the difference:
Jesus had no possessions, yet He was not poor.
In other words, that i am trying to say is that powerty is when one's needs remain unmet. And it depends not on whether he owns stuff or not.

2:09 PM

Blogger John Frye said...

I like your distinction between poverty and being poor. I think that Jesus was materially poor (no place to lay his head), but relationally and internally very rich. When Jesus taught his followers to pray, "...give us today our daily bread..." he meant that---just enough food for the day. Not a big bank account or a lot of stuff.

We often say or think that rich people are greedy. But very poor people can be very greedy, too.

I enjoyed our conversation when I was in Ukraine recently. We are enjoying the chocolate bars!

6:18 PM


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