This is a one man's effort to grow his character and be a good witness with whatewer he is doing as he does it for the glory of his master and friend Jesus!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Reason: Other
Mood: bored and angry
Thinking: Yes.

Issues: Dad, his attitude, his phone call and my attitude.
Have you ever had a person in your life who had mastered such a high level skills and abilities to ruin your mood, your day and your desire to do any business with him so quickly! Holy Cow! I had never seen such a person any where else in life other than in my own family. How can this be? Why am I treated as a nation's enemy for paying somebody else's bills and so much unwanted in their own household, which not so long time ago, used to be mine household too... and the very next day or two days later expected to show the same level of commitment as nothing had ever happen?

Sometimes I think if such thought categories had ever appeared in his mind: love, curtesy, thinking about others (not in a negative way), life and its priorities, destiny, calling, meaning, death.

How can you live wothout ever raising those issues in your mind? Oh, I know how... biterly ever after!

How can you break this habit/behaviour??? Can you?


Blogger mahphee said...

Правильный ответ: "Да, можешь." Еф. 4:22-24.
А "белочковый" ответ: "Это офигительно долгий, требующий миллиона усилий с твоей стороны и огромное количество изменяющей благодати со стороны Бога процесс, возможность которого стоила Христу воплощения, крестной смерти, отлучения от Отца и воскресения. А Он обещал, что в этом процессе Он будет с нами от начала до конца (Фил. 1:6)". Или это тоже просто правильный ответ... "белочковый", наверное, должен быть очень конкретным...

2:45 PM


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